29 April 2020

The Vyrus

Poems in the time of Corona

The Vyrus
after William Blake

Vyrus! Vyrus! burning bright,
Spread to ev'ry country's fright,
What infernal quarantine
Could help me not to breathe thee in?

In what place of ill-renown
Did thy proteins form thy crown?
In what air were they respired?
What the breath that hath thee sired?

At what market stall or lab
Did thy spiky fingers grab?
And when a human came to eat,
What soil'd hand and what live meat?

Vyrus! Vyrus! dirty rat,
Via pangolin after bat,
What infernal quarantine
Dare turn me vegetarian?

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging: lyrics of love and loss
Those Footsteps Behind: around the world in 50 poems

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