Every time I direct. About two weeks before opening. Half-waking at three in the morning. Panic-struck delirium. Convinced that I should be at rehearsal ... paying for licences, buying props, finding missing stage crew, hanging lights ... selling set, banging nails into actors, and teaching tickets how to sing....
Eugène Ionesco. The Bald Prima Donna. Opens 12 May.
And there was me thinking you Donna guys were actually doing really well (incidentally, I have rechristened you lot The Pulp & Madonna, after an honest mishearing of something Fionna said).
I dried up in my monologue on Sunday. Things are not up on the Maid front either, if that's any consolation (although why it would be, I admit I can't quite see).
The photo illustrating your post is, for me, particularly nightmarish. Nice choice, Kani.
Hei Anna! The Prima Donnas are doing pretty well, but ... shhh ... don't tell them I said that. It's just that this ol' director always gets a bit wobbly as the big day approaches.
yeeees - I have recollections.
Cimmrwri. cimmrwri
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