My gustatory muse
For years without these senses on my tongue,
I had forgotten what it was I missed.
In joy, my body gives in utterly,
My whole enraptured being sighs with bliss.
A sensuous surge of taste calls back the past,
Caresses and entices, teases time,
And links me wholly to a savoured name.
I knew it then and now I know again.
The tastebud urge is unrestrained in greed.
There's nothing else to see, hear, smell, or touch.
With all my nerve-ends lost in childhood's lust,
One final flake of chocolate slowly melts.
For years without these senses on my tongue,
I had forgotten what it was I missed.
In joy, my body gives in utterly,
My whole enraptured being sighs with bliss.
A sensuous surge of taste calls back the past,
Caresses and entices, teases time,
And links me wholly to a savoured name.
I knew it then and now I know again.
The tastebud urge is unrestrained in greed.
There's nothing else to see, hear, smell, or touch.
With all my nerve-ends lost in childhood's lust,
One final flake of chocolate slowly melts.
Much better without the subtitle, but we lose Flake, your 'justification' for the borderline erotica ;)
Or then ... how about 'one final flake of chocolate'?
Really, charnel, who needs justification for borderline erotica, eh? 'A bit of Bruce' considers itself beyond Disorganized jurisdiction ;o)
I like the change, though. Done. Maybe this entry will become the people's poem. Wikirotica.
Any other suggestions, anyone?
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