17 July 2020

A post about a feed about a blog

A bit of a bit of Bruce's poetry is for sale!

Yes, there are now two ways to own your very own bit of a bit of Bruce.

Option 1: Amazon

My very own piece of Amazon virtual real estate, in the form of an author page, is up and running.  It includes a feed from this blog, so don't get lost in the ol' click to infinity there.  Just choose a book and buy it.  Simple.

Option 2: Lulu

Or, if you're more of a kind of indy type of person who prefers to go to the authentic source, the alternative kicks involve heading over to my *other* author page on Lulu.  Get the feed direct from the horse's mouth, so to speak.  Hipster heaven.

Either way.  Hey.  Go crazy.

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