18 January 2008

Up and at 'em

I went outside today.

Not much news in that, maybe, and I only went to post letters and buy stamps from the corner shop. But my world in the last few days has consisted of Facebook, 19th century census sheets, DVDs of Hercule Poirot, and packets of painkillers. Yes, it's post-operative recuperation, part the first.

The irony of the medics immobilising one arm and then telling the patient to change their own dressings is still playing on my mind. Now add to that the daily complications that, when fully fit, seem so ridiculously simple not to be worth mentioning.

Getting up, making tea, unscrewing and drinking a bottle of yoghurt, brushing teeth, shaving, getting dressed, putting on shoes, putting on a coat, locking the door, fiddling with the post box, finding loose change, and then unlocking the door and taking the coat and shoes off again. Not many things there that I would normally do with just one arm. And we haven't even started on other things that happen in bathrooms.

My right shoulder is stitched back and front, and has been probed internally and fixed with things called Lupine anchors. (I'm debating with myself whether to look that up on the Internet or not.)

But today I stepped outside. The world was still there, albeit dark and damp. One small step for mankind; one giant leap for the newly implanted bits of Bruce.


m said...

you are shitting me, sir. lupine anchors!! well, i looked it up (as i expect did you). it's just a minimally invasive drill guide system. that sounds like a good kind of drill guide system.

sounds like the world's most frustrating adventure. get better soon, man. (just let me know when is a good time to pop over with a pizza and some good DVDs)

happeningfish said...

matti, i hope you're not implying that hercule poirot doesn't count as "good DVDs"... :P

Bruce, this all sounds like a whole lot of not fun. I really hope you heal fast and that your shoulder is indeed improved beyond your wildest dreams. And then I'm sure we can find a way to break your other one.

m said...

far be it from me, miss fish, to imply such a thing. belgian freestyle staches ftmfw.

a bit of a wince from that last line of yours, sounds like you don't know the whole story..

Amanda said...

Urk. Sounds rough - hope you're starting to mend now and are speedily getting well soon.

Have some good wishes from me to hurry you along your way :)

And Poirot is a fantastic choice of recuperation DVD!

nmj said...

hey bruce, ... i too looked up lupine anchors, i wondered what they could have to do with wolves, but see Lupine is a trademark. (i couldn't really read much about them as the 'lovely' pictures freaked me out.)

seriously, i hope the surgery has been successful, wishing you a full & happy recovery.