My shoulder trouble, over the years, has forced me to give up racquet and team sports, has seriously disrupted my theatre ambitions and participation, and has strained a number of relationships. Some people have never quite grasped that it has significantly restricted my lifestyle.
I can't help thinking that all this may have been different if I had had surgery for my first injury, as is recommended practice now. I can't help reflecting that I am a statistic in medical progress, with my experience helping others after me to avoid the same restrictions. I guess that is a good thing.
It's impossible to feel too bitter about it, though. After all, if I had been born in a less advanced age, I may simply have been left outside the cave as food for wolves.
That's medical progress. Feeding on the pain of experience.
So are you really going under the knife then? Good luck to you and your shoulder(s), either way. I know this has been driving you batty for years (she says as though that's the ONLY source of the Bat of Bruce)!
Hugs, without alarmingly vigorous squeeze but lots of heart.
Many thanks, 'fish! The decision is not yet made, but they put me into a big magnet last week, so should know more soon.
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