After all, anyone at The Finn-Brit Players knows that I don't look good in hats. So the Blue Pyramid jury says:
You're Alice's Adventures in Wonderland!
by Lewis Carroll
After stumbling down the wrong turn in life, you've had your mind opened to a number of strange and curious things. As life grows curiouser and curiouser, you have to ask yourself what's real and what's the picture of illusion. Little is coming to your aid in discerning fantasy from fact, but the line between them is so blurry that it's starting not to matter. Be careful around rabbit holes and those who smile too much, and just avoid hat shops altogether.
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
Listen, Kani, out of all the ones I've heard of (and this did seem to spread like wildfire yesterday, with all sorts of amusing results) - this has got to be the aptest of the lot.
I hope the rabbit hole threat, so thinly veiled, doesn't discourage you from coming back to my bloggy, though. And you really should give a translation of your name, I beseech you.
hey kanikoski, you are lucky you got one you liked - i did it three times, finally getting 'the sound & the fury' - i don't mind that. anna mr says it's cheating to do it more than once, but honestly some of the questions i swithered on. btw did you say you liked the british isles?! i said no, perhaps i should have said yes.
Liked the British Isles? Hmm ... this means that the questions were not all the same. I was never asked that!
Greetings and thanks, all.
No, I didn't get a British Isles question either. Maybe this thing is more sophisticated than it appears.
I wasn't asked about British Isles either, young NMJ, Kani, Charnel (big hellos all round) - this is getting curiouser and curiouser. Wish I'd written down what I was asked, and then we could have drawn a comparative study...
(NMJ, you cheat, you are a dictionary and that's that. Face your inner wordiness with pride. At least you don't have buck teeth and hairy feet, like the rabbit population.)
He that says nothing about the dog has been researching. Apparently, it's a branching structure, i.e. each of the answers to question 1 will lead to a different question 2, and each of the answers to question 2s will lead to a different question 3, etc.
And apparently I was only one step away from Lolita myself... where's my inner bunny?!
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