28 June 2007

Domestic stress

Here we go again. Proof positive that I am not a domestic animal.

In Finland, where men seem to carry at least three power tools and an adjustable spanner around with them at all times, I feel exceptionally unhandy. I can usually change a light bulb. I can sometimes replace a fuse. I can very occasionally wire a plug. And that's about it for DIY. Except for the rare weekends spent fixing, unfixing, and refixing jigsaw furniture from Ikea.

So now I'm stuck. This month, not only has the safety lock on my front door decided to jam*, but I have a wasps' nest on my balcony. Like, uh oh! That's not good, right? My balcony refuses to blossom with soothing, scented flowering plants, and has started to churn out vicious stinging insects.

I've read a lot of advice. Get the right spray. Only approach at night. Do not stand directly underneath. Wear protective clothing with gloves and elasticated wrists. Um.

The wasps' nest looks small. Even smaller than my domestic ego, in fact. Nevertheless, I think I'll pay a real man and be rid of both of them.

The lock has been successfully replaced by a hideously healthy looking man, younger than me, wearing smart overalls, and driving a very shiny van. My bank account is now minus an arm and a leg for the pleasure.


charnel doze said...

Very small (and actually quite cute) indeed - even squaremeterage for wasps is at a premium in this city!

nmj said...

Kanikoski, I must get myself to Finland, I am sadly a sucker for men with power tools and spanners - they are just so damned handy.

Referring to your more recent post, how the hell can glandular fever be misdiagnosed as syphilis??!!

'nepbeeon' is word verif, they must know about your wasps.

I think you need to move house.

Kanikoski said...

Hi nmj, alas I don't qualify at all for overalls: the wasps are still there. I'll get around to it. Some day.

The syphilis diagnosis was, I think, a mixture of prejudice and malice. There was an outbreak in the town and although I answered all the diagnostic questions in the negative, the (female, not English-speaking) doctor looked at my attractive (female, English-speaking) companion, who was helping me to interpret, and decided to go for some sort of accusation not supported by evidence.