10 March 2007

Me, age 21

For reasons that we won't go into right now, I feel like blogging a poem that I wrote back when I was 21 years old.

Technical hitch

Alone again.
I stare at a name
In the telephone directory.
Can those five digits
Really lead to you?

Alone again.
I stare at the phone
In the corner of the room.
Can those twisted wires
Connect me to you?

Alone again.
I stare at my heart
In a state of grave despair.
Can my trembling hands
Deprive me of you?

1 comment:

nmj said...

Jeez, Kanikosi, this poem makes me sad, I hope you are not feeling this sad just now . . . I am guessing that you are going through the Will I /Won't I call her?, try not to, though if it were me, I would, I am hopeless in these situations! Take good care.