So just for the sheer wackiness of it, here's a taste of previous missives to myself.
8 August 2006, Hilo, Hawai´i
singing frogs; tropical rain; red mustangs, pick-up trucks
31 July 2006, Vancouver, Canada
condominium blocks; street life (in all ways); Bohemia; trolley buses!!; coffee shops; microbrewery beer
29 July 2005, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Fantastic! A place to retire to!
25 July 2005, Lugano, Switzerland
Tik und tak und tik und tak. Here and now .... mmmm.
29 December 2001, Castries, St Lucia
Simply relaxing under a palm tree!
Alas, the wonder of Iceland (August 2001) had me so utterly gobsmacked that all I could manage from Reykjavík was a blank.
Alas, the wonder of Iceland (August 2001) had me so utterly gobsmacked that all I could manage from Reykjavík was a blank.
Man, Kani, yet another thing I/we (apart from nmj, who, in true writer fashion, will pretty soon know everything there is to know about everybody - and then she'll put it in her book) didn't know about you. That is utterly goofbally charming. Read us more cards. Give us more revelations.
Don't worry, Anna MR, there are plenty of revelations to come. You may have to dig a little, though. It's my blog so I'm going to be as enigmatic as I feel on any given day. Ha!
Dig it. Ya dig?
(Ok, that was a mite painful.)
Uloxlute. An ancient South American Indian revelation mystery.
I also send myself postcards from my hols, but I rarely have anything interesting to say. The destination(s) and dates of the trip often suffice. Note to self to be more creative in future.
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