14 February 2007

Self-pity alert! Bah, humbug!

Sodding Valentine's Day. I hate it. Talk about Charlie Brown and the empty sodding mailbox.

I have just made the unflattering calculation that, on average, and excluding messages from my mother, I receive one Valentine's card every 3.6 years. Yes, I have sent more than that.

Nearly half of those cards were from the same lovely young lady, which is a story that has not yet been (and might not be) blogged. A couple remain unsolved mysteries. I have also had girlfriends/partners/whatever who have simply refused to buy into the commercial side of 14 February. And why should they, as they said, waste a euro on a piece of coloured card just to make me feel better for a couple of days?

But one every 3.6 years? It's probably even sadder that I actually calculated the fact.

I'm hanging up a 'do not disturb' sign and starting a big sulk.


charnel doze said...

Well now Kani dear, it seems I've averaged about 1 every 6 years. And not even any messages from my mother! Feel any better?

Kanikoski said...

Card? You were lucky to have card! We used to trace messages on pieces of broken glass!

Amanda said...

Sulk not, it's over now. And, for what it's worth, I could echo Charnel D's comment pretty much word for word. It seems you've been positively rolling in cards!

Happy Thank-God-It's-Feb-15th :)

happeningfish said...

Yeah, I didn't even get a V-card from my mom this year either! If you want, for St.Paddy's I can like, send you an envelope full of spittle full microscopic letters that you have to rearrange into the correct message.