01 December 2006

The mysteries of Flickr

There are two things, above others, that intrigue me about Flickr. First of all, the apparently closely guarded formula for 'interestingness'. Secondly, the comparison between 'interestingness' and the number of times a picture is viewed.

Today, the counter on my Flickr stream reached 2000 views, so it's time for a quick check of the listings. Of my 556 photos, the most 'interesting' shot is one that I took of a teapot for a short play, 'T', that was part of The Finn-Brit Players' microfestival 'Tales from the Attic'.

That's only the fourth most viewed photo, however. The most viewed photo is a 1993 shot of Dracula's castle in Bran, Romania. My conclusion would be that there are lots of people out there looking for photos of Dracula. But that doesn't explain why the second most viewed photo is a fairly dull image from the centre of Vaduz, Liechtenstein, from summer 2005, which appears on the 'interestingness' scale ... er ... nowhere.


nmj said...

I love this teapot. I always like it when tea is described in art/literature. It is just so comforting.

Kanikoski said...

Thanks, nmj. I generally don't do studio-style photos, but on this occasion we played around with teapot images, and I was actually quite happy with the result.