16 November 2006

Blue jeans

Although I spend the best part of my life looking like a slept-on pillow, I have some idiosyncrasies about clothing. Take blue jeans. In my view, they are a modern uniform that pretends to be rebellious but is in fact totally conformist. Don't get me wrong: rebellion and conformism both have their places. But we should be self-aware enough to realise when we are in one mode or the other.

However, I am thoroughly hypocritical and wear black jeans all the time. Shame-faced, as with fast food, I capitulate yet again to the brainwashed, stonewashed, commodity mass-market of convenience.


happeningfish said...

Oh, the banality of it all. Do you know, I was just thinking this morning how maybe it's time for me to finally buy a pair of jeans again after not wearing them for two years or so (theatre. always. jeans just don't allow you to move or rehearse, and eventually you get sick of changing out of them all the time for rehearsal), and was almost ashamed to think I could have been thinking of something more interesting.

Such as banana ketchup. You, my friend, are redeemed. I, however, will have to redeem myself on the dance floor tomorrow night instead. :)

Kanikoski said...

I am just so totally gobsmacked to see that happeningfish is browsing my blog at four in the morning! Take a bow, happeningfish!

happeningfish said...

Ahem. Nice bit. Bruce.