08 October 2006

A Dorsimbra

The phone call

Red boots have gone. They left. They strolled away.
'Til fourteen years of heartache later, oh!
A call, around the dusty disarray
Inside my cobwebbed heart, says just hello.

The voice
Unchanged by time,
Suppressed memories
Rear up unbidden.

Ten minutes bridges over fourteen years.
Just for a moment all is possible,
But when the voice breaks off, one thing remains.
Red boots have gone. They left. They strolled away.


Anna MR said...

Wuh! Wuh! Good stuff, kanikoski. Me like a lot.

nmj said...

. . . those red boots have caused you pain, but at least you have dignity and you didn't run after them when they strolled away, there is a calmness to your writing that i like . . . ps. why did you go to bulgaria to live and work?

Kanikoski said...

Thank you both! In 1991, I was young (well, 24), out of a job, and in search of adventure. That's my best Bulgaria reason, nmj.

m said...

red boots?

Kanikoski said...

Similar boots. Dissimilar legs. Stay tuned.