23 September 2006

A rediscovery

Usually, I dislike making lists of favourites, so I was a little cynical about the blogger profile. Yet the exercise has taught me something: the music that I listen to most is not the music that I like best.

My collection includes a good amount of slightly dated rock and pop. But the things that provoke a deep, visceral joy, or pain, or longing, are further down the shelf. Invisibly marked 'classical'.

Thank you, blogger. I have rediscovered my Beethoven, Chopin, Dvořák, and Gershwin; I have been reborn to (unlisted) my Bach, Mozart, Rachmaninov, Rimsky-Korsakov, Shostakovich, and Vivaldi.

My emotional life is richer once more.


nmj said...

Yes, 'favourites' are difficult, I can never make such a lists on demand and I find myself adding to my profile as I remember things -is 'Animal Farm' really one of your fav books???!! Just makes me think of rainy school days, teacher droning on, but I don't think I was mature enough then to understand it.

Kanikoski said...

Well, I was fortunate enough not to have to study 'Animal Farm' formally. It was a coin flip between that and '1984', as I think they are both almost unparalleled as political comment. My choice was also influenced by an amazing one-man stage performance of 'Animal Farm' that I saw by Guy Masterson at the Edinburgh fringe some years ago.